Ok, 4:44 is not good, half six would have done quite nicely.
But still.
I was lying in bed for two hours trying to fall asleep again and failing.
So at five I decided I should get up and grab my book and my camera charger.
So I read and then realised it was getting a tad lighter, had a sudden urge to get up and grabbed my camera from the charger.
Shoved on trakkies and hoodie and uggies and beani and hippy scarf and hobo gloves and climbed onto the shed roof, only to discover that a) it was wet and therefor slippery and b) thats where i get a good view of the sunSET not rise.
So I climbed off and ran around the other side of my house, where I couldn't see anything.
So I climbed over the back gate and through some nasty shrubbery and out into the street, hoping like hell that I didn't make my parents think we were being robbed.
Then I pretty much ran up the road and up the fire track, all the way up the fire track until I got to this bit with an actual concrete path and a freakin awesome view of the sunrise and took (among others) this picture:

Pretty specky huh!
Early mornings, give it a go!
And that is pretty massive coming from me lol.
teehee pretty, i however see early mornings a bit too much for my likings and would LOVE a sleep in lol.