Although I said to him 'You're lucky I'm ok with all of this, or that comment would really have hurt me', I realised soon after that I had lied, and it just straight out hurt my feelings. That sounds sort of half-assed and lame, but heart-broken is too much, so oh well.
You went to punch me in the arm and said 'hang on if your ovaries don't work, are you still a woman? does that mean I can hit you?'
Needless to say, I was shocked. For those who don't know, I have polycystic ovaries syndrome, its pretty common, i have it pretty easy and i'm generally ok with it, go google it if you want.
Although I know that of course I am still a woman, and the fact that I will probably have to use IVF to have my own children doesn't jeapordise my feminity, it still hurt. And although I know full well the answer to the question is ' how dare you say that to me, of course I am still a woman and i will punch you back harder anyway', I have to admit, the question still stings.
And yeah, I wanted you to notice that I wasn't smiling, but I guess I am too good at faking my way through, chances are I told you I was OK without even noticing I did it. Besides, right now you are a whole different kettle of distant fish...