This year (as I'm sure all the others will too actually) takes its toll on each of us, but it appears to have hit you the worst.(Note to everyone else, I am not forgetting you in this, I am just...being specific this time)
This makes me very sad, as I wonder if I should have been able to do something about it...
But you are not you at the moment, and I know you don't need to be told that.
This is not a guilt trip, definitely not. Because you are still lovely and you still listen to me whine even though I don't have a boyfriend to miss, or a care in the world regarding that matter. I think my wonderful family alone should be enough to shut me up with thankfulness, but turns out it isn't.
I just want to say... not in a guilt trippy way, that I am very excited to get my real best friend back. At the moment I get glimpses of her, and even in your current stress addled state you are still lovely.
But I can't wait for all of us to come back.
It'll happen, it has to.
And if it doesn't, I'm becoming a hermit in the Flinder's Ranges, please feed my tamagotchi.